Very light and good quality.
Very nice bike. Easy assembly with good chain and brake presets. My son, who used to ride the draisienne, was able to keep his balance while pedaling on...
My grandson is very happy to use your bike. Thanks to its lightness, he pedals upright, lets go with one hand, and catches up easily after a slip. Well...
The items correspond to the description and the value for money is good.
The size scale for determining the right bike size is a must when ordering online. As for the bike itself, my daughter and I think it's great. It's great...
The chain/wheel connection was not screwed on correctly. One call to the after-sales service and everything was resolved. These days, problems can happen,...
Exceptional service!! what kindness and speed. The bike is magnificent and so light... We can't believe it and we wish we'd known about the brand before....