based on 334 published reviews

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... I still haven't received the foil bag that was delivered... in 2 installments... some time ago... I even have the feeling from receiving this inquiry e-mail ... that you seem to consider this order sold out. (having said that, there is no urgency).
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Gerard L. (acheteur vérifié)
purchased on 06/08/2024 
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Answer from Sroka Company
Dear Sir
I'm sorry for the delay. No, we haven't forgotten you. But our supplier has had some problems with the supply of raw materials. We will receive them tomorrow. So we'll send it to you as soon as we receive it.
Thank you for your patience.
Hello, Top order and delivery time, but the carrier left a lot to be desired... carton damaged and left in the rain.... Fortunately it was a wing! Change carrier please 🙏🏼 otherwise bravo to your company 🍀👍🏼 salutations.
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Eric S. (acheteur vérifié)
purchased on 24/08/2023 
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After-sales service not up to scratch, considering the price of the equipment, even though I am still within my right of withdrawal. I think it's a pity not to have any return regarding the non-conformity of the material sent: paddle and paddle. I had a very good contact for the purchase and since I pointed out that the material presents nonconformities, the contact is broken except to say to me, it is sure that you have no chance to cumulate 2 nonconformities. Why don't they offer me a material exchange?
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Acheteur Vérifié (acheteur vérifié)
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Answer from Sroka Company
Hello. Indeed we took a few days to answer you because you can imagine it we are in full season and we are a small staff. We called you twice today and we sent you an email without any return from you to solve the problem. I would just like to clarify, when you say non-conforming board, there is only a very small trace of glue at a place near the handle of portage (almost imperfect under the handle Neoprene portage) For information, the boards are made by hand by workers (men and women who like us are not machines) and therefore they sometimes happen to them as to all of us not to have paid perfect attention to erase a small trace of glue at the handle. This small trace of glue does not make this product non-compliant. Moreover, by scraping lightly with the scraper of a sponge, this trace of glue will go easily. We expect you to contact us as soon as possible. I remind you that we are reachable by phone every day from Monday to Friday from 9:10 am to 6 pm non stop.
Foil sroka unremovable blocked in fuselage...yet greased tefgel since difficulty the first times, then after impossible... lost its value at the resale... board 90l sroka use strapless only of the board and cracked case, the repair cost me 150 while I had no discount on the purchase sending it back would have made me lose time and sroka would have taken charge? I am part of the most experienced in wingfoil and kitefoil so it is not good for the advertising sroka ... even if shape of foil are correct
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Jean-pierre M. (acheteur vérifié)
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Answer from Sroka Company
Hello. I am quite surprised by your remark. Like all products sold in France, we guarantee our products for 2 years. Moreover we produce the boards in France so it means that we have totally the capacity to take care of the repair of your board. Indeed if we are not informed that you had a problem on this board of 2020, I cannot answer your request. This repair would have been free for you if you had contacted us. About your unmountable foil, we remind you that on the user manual it is clearly indicated in Bold, that you have to dismantle and rinse your foil after each session. Indeed on the 2020 foil, if you have not disassembled your foil over a long period, disassembly is impossible. That's why in 2021, we have completely changed the foil connection to avoid this type of problem. We remind you that we are available every day of the week from Monday to Friday from 9:10am to 6pm by phone, chat and email if necessary.
Quality service
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Jean-françois P. (acheteur vérifié)
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