based on 8128 reviews published

Latest negative customer reviews

Very nice lamp, it's a wonderful gift
Colette A.
Colette A.
purchased on 08/10/2021 
Translated review
Answer from Pictyourlamp.com
Hello, we are glad to know that you like our product. The one star must be a mistake and we hope you'll come back and change your comment, that would be great.
Have a nice day.
Best regards,
Alexandra from Lampephoto.fr
I received the package well nevertheless I have the usb plug which is damaged 😕
Grellety F.
Grellety F.
purchased on 08/11/2021 
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Answer from Pictyourlamp.com
Hello, I'm sorry but I don't see any exchange with customer service about this. If you have received a damaged part of your order, we are sorry. Just let us know and we'll send it back to you. Please contact us at [email protected].
Best regards,
Alexandra from Lampephoto.fr
Very disappointed, as it was a gift for my daughter and the base was too narrow to fit the frame. Impossible.
Carole F.
Carole F.
purchased on 06/11/2021 
Translated review
Answer from Pictyourlamp.com
Hello, after checking we couldn't find an e-mail from you. Please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] so that we can work together to solve this problem.
Best regards,
Alexandra from Lampephoto.fr
Very nice but does not work blinks forced to remove the batteries disgusted pfuff not recommended
Didier D.
Didier D.
purchased on 20/09/2021 
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Answer from Pictyourlamp.com
after our email exchanges, it turned out that the problem came from the batteries. A small change in your opinion would be nice 😉
Thanks in advance.
Good day to you.
Best regards,
Thomas from Lampephoto.fr
I received my package with the bluetooth cradle in it and I can't put it on charge because it's broken inside...
Yanis A.
Yanis A.
purchased on 15/08/2021 
Translated review
Answer from Pictyourlamp.com
after replacing your base, a little feedback would be nice!
Thanks in advance,
Thanks in advance,
Thomas from Lampephoto.fr
Base too small compared to the picture
Alexis V.
Alexis V.
purchased on 30/06/2021 
Translated review
Answer from Pictyourlamp.com
We are very sorry about this inconvenience.
I've done some research into your problem and I can't find any trace of a complaint on your part. You can contact us at [email protected] with a simple photo to see for yourself and we will of course return your order to you.
See you soon.
Best regards,
Alexandra from Lampephoto.fr
Services not up to standard, order placed before Mother's Day received for Father's Day and had to pay for two deliveries 😞
Dominique F.
Dominique F.
purchased on 15/06/2021 
Translated review
Answer from Pictyourlamp.com
We are sorry, the package remained pending for 10 days at the relay point and you received notifications to ask you to come and withdraw the package. Following that the package was returned to us. Indeed a new sending implies new postal charges. Know that the carrier charges us 3 times the shipping costs in this case. The return from the relay point to our premises is at our expense.
Counting on your understanding, I wish you a good day.
Thomas from Lampephoto.fr
The product is of acceptable quality and the delivery time is very attractive but not respected, it arrived 2 days after the day of delivery.
Ahmed L.
Ahmed L.
purchased on 28/05/2021 
Translated review
Answer from Pictyourlamp.com
Hello, we are sorry for the delay of the carrier beyond our control. We shipped your order the same day or you placed it by express delivery as requested.
We are sorry for this situation and count on your understanding, I wish you a good day,
Best regards,
Alexandra from Lampephoto.fr
Correct product Delivery time not respected - 1 week (indicated 24h on the site)
Stéphane H.
Stéphane H.
purchased on 25/05/2021 
Translated review
Answer from Pictyourlamp.com
Hello, we are sorry for the delay of the carrier beyond our control. We shipped your order the same day you placed it.
With all our apologies for the inconvenience I wish you a good day,
Best regards,
Alexandra from Lampephoto.fr
Yvon S.
Yvon S.
purchased on 25/05/2021 
Translated review
Answer from Pictyourlamp.com
Hello, we are sorry that you are not satisfied, we tried to contact you by e-mail to know the reason of your dissatisfaction but did not receive any answer from your part. Please do not hesitate to come back to us at [email protected] , we will try to solve your problem.
Best regards,
Alexandra from Lampephoto.fr
The delivery was put completely in another city and for time on the box the address and the good 4 day to recover the package thank you to the lady who mi the package on Facebook and that allowed me to find and drop me in person 1 week more to have it
Giovanni E.
Giovanni E.
purchased on 18/05/2021 
Translated review
Came not as promised
Alexander A.
Alexander A.
purchased on 03/05/2021 
Translated review
Answer from Pictyourlamp.com
Bonjour à tous !
Nous vous présentons nos excuses pour le désagrément occasionné. Votre colis a effectivement été perdu par GLS. Nous vous avons renvoyé votre commande. Par la suite, nous n'avons plus eu de nouvelles de votre part. Nous serions heureux d'une petite modification de votre message 😉
Nous nous excusons pour ce retard sur lequel nous n'avons aucune influence.
Avec nos meilleures salutations,
Thomas de Pictyourlamp.com
My experience has not been good since I placed an order three days before Mother's Day from Spain and I did it because it said that the shipment in 48h could be in Madrid in this case.it turns out that I did not receive it until 6 days later I asked for it on Wednesday and it arrived on Monday.They tell you that it is approximately 48 hours, in my opinion they can not put that, you pay for the shipment of 48 hours and then if you want it in 24 hours you pay more, I doubt very much that it is so because the company that makes them the delivery, GLS, told me that when it leaves France minimum are 2 days you want to leave France plus another two in this case to Madrid, therefore do not comply with what they say and there are many comments that are late too, so they have a problem ma with the transport company or are they not complying with the planning they say they do.I would not recommend this product to anyone who wants to buy a new one, but I would recommend it to anyone who wants to buy a new one.
Juan Carlos G.
Juan Carlos G.
purchased on 27/04/2021 
Translated review
De plexiglas plaat heeft aan de achterkant kant allemaal vlekjes niet duidelijk te ien op de foto.Maar wel op de standaard met het lichtje aan.Zeer jammer! Is het geld niet waard!
Tim V.
Tim V.
purchased on 07/02/2021 
Answer from Pictyourlamp.com
Hallo, Het spijt ons voor het ongemak. Zoals blijkt uit de e-mail, zijn de vlekken die u noemt te wijten aan de lasergravure. Normaal gesproken worden alle platen na de productie gereinigd. Je bord was inderdaad slecht schoongemaakt. U kunt het schoonmaken met aceton of make-up remover en een zachte doek.
Na de oplossing en onze laatste e-mail uitwisselingen, zou een kleine wijziging van uw mening leuk zijn 😉
Met vriendelijke groet, thomas van Pictyourlamp.com
Parcel received but damaged at the level of the base....impossible to put plug since c break
Laetitia D.
Laetitia D.
purchased on 26/12/2020 
Translated review
Answer from Pictyourlamp.com
Hello, We are sorry for this inconvenience. After researching the e-mail exchanges you had with our customer service, I see that we sent you a replacement base as soon as you reported your problem.
A little adaptation of your opinion would have made us happy 😉
I hope you were satisfied with your lamp, I wish you a good day and see you soon on Lampephoto.fr
Best wishes,
Thomas from Lampephoto.fr
Catastrophic delivery, no contact by the deliveryman who does not respect the delivery date defined, I am waiting for my package and an answer to my request.
Michel B.
Michel B.
purchased on 02/01/2021 
Translated review
Answer from Pictyourlamp.com
We are sorry for this inconvenience beyond our control. You have left your notice 2 days after the shipment of your order and therefore before receiving it. In fact, your package was delayed by 24 hours compared to the announced time. You received it the day after you left your notice. We are sorry if the date of receipt was important, however, a new notice on the content of your order would have been appreciated.
I hope you were satisfied with it and I hope to see you soon on Lampephoto.fr.
Best regards,
Thomas from Lampephoto.fr
Very dissatisfied
Audrey V.
Audrey V.
purchased on 03/12/2019 
Translated review
Answer from Pictyourlamp.com
You ordered a lamp with a basic base. After receiving it, you told us that you made a mistake and that you wanted a clock base instead. The plate you ordered is not compatible with a clock base, so we can not offer you an exchange of base. We have offered you a commercial gesture, however we have not had any feedback from you. If we can do anything to improve your satisfaction, we remain at your service by email.
Thomas from Lampephoto.fr